17. Minijature na proputovanju / 17th Miniatures "on the road"

| ponedjeljak, 27. listopada 2014. | |
Ovaj listopad mi je zaista u znaku izložbi! Dok se pripremala Vis a vis izložba, 17. međunarodna izložba Minijatura gostovala je u Beogradu. Kako je to bilo 10.10. na otvorenju možete pogledati na FB stranici organizatora, Udruge likovnih stvaralaca Zaprešić.

A danas, 27.10. ista izložba otvara svoja vrata na gostovanju u Novom Sadu i to u galeriji "Likovni Salon Kulturnog Centra".

Zajedno s ostalim eksponatima, u gostovanju su i ova dva "putnika". Želim im ugodan boravak ♥

Gljiva na kiši & Činele
prsteni, mesing
Mushroom in the rain & Cimbals
rings, brass

For me, this October is obviously dedicated to exhibitions! While the Vis a vis exhibition was in preparation, the 17th international Miniatures exhibition visited Beograd. Photos of the opening event can be seen on the organizer's FB page, the Association of art authors Zaprešić.

And today, the 27th of October, the same exhibition is opening in Novi Sad in the "Likovni Salon Kulturnog Centra" Gallery.

Together with other exhibits, on the road are these two travelers. Wish them a good stay ♥

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